Structure of NCD
The NCD has national, district and sub-county structures as provided for in the Act. At the national level, there is Council of 22 members, 14 of whom are approved and appointed by the Minister of State for Disability and Elderly Affairs. They are comprised of:
- Eight PWDs regional representatives (4 male and 4 female)
- One parent of a child with disability
- One professional and experienced person in disability
- One representative of youth with disability
- One representative of the Federation of Uganda Employers
- One representative of NGOs working with PWDs
- One PWD Member of Parliament
Eight representatives for ministries: Ministries of Local Government; Public Service; Justice and Constitutional Affairs; Works, Housing and Communications; Education and Sports; Health; Gender, Labour and Social Development; Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
These are ex-officios called upon for their varied expertise and guidance. The National Council is the Governance and policy-making organ of the NCD, with a four-year term renewable once.
The above governance set up is replicated at the district, city, municipality, division, town and sub-county levels, where the respective local government chairpersons appoint members to serve a three-year term.