What We Do
In order to fulfill our mandate, we carry out the following programs
Disability Monitoring, Networking and Collaboration
This is implemented through stakeholders’ coordination meetings, spot visits with the aid of a monitoring tool, attraction of programme/project documents from stakeholders, and regular sharing/exchange of information.
Legal and Human rights
We engage in legislative and policy influence, investigating and arbitrating in cases of human rights abuse against PWDs, doing appropriate referrals where aggrieved parties cannot amicably solve grievances, as well as linking PWDs to legal aid services.
Research, Information and Documentation
The NCD conducts/commissions surveys and research projects on various disability aspects. We also encourage stakeholders to conduct specific studies on disability, or to mainstream disability within their mainstream studies. The information gathered is used by the Council and shared out with Government and non-government actors for evidence-based planning and policy influence.
Institutional and Capacity Development
The NCD provides skills training to lower councils, interacts with all district councils for disability through general conferences, mobilises and efficiently utilises acquired resources, builds and maintains a strong human resource and ensures availability and utilisation of internal operational policies.
Disability Awareness and Public Relations
We put emphasis on closing the public awareness and knowledge gap towards PWDs and disability rights, opportunities, needs, challenges and potentials. In the same vein, the public is educated about the existence and role of the Council.