
Promoting Rights And Accountabilities In African Communities (Praac) Project Coordinated By Plan Uganda
The National Council for Disability (NCD) is a public institution established by Act of Parliament in 2003 and inaugurated in August 2004 as a National body charged with monitoring the extent to which Disabled Persons benefit from existing legislation, policies and programmes.
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The Committee considered the initial report of Uganda (CRPD/C/UGA/1) at its 248th and 249th meetings (see CRPD/C/SR.248 and 249), held on 7 and 8 April 2016, respectively, and adopted the following concluding observations at its 262nd meeting, held on 18 April 2016.
National Electoral College Register 2015
The National electoral college register 2015, for elections of members of parliament for PWDs 2015 / 2016
Elections for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
Persons With Disabilities(PWDs), are here by informed that Electoral Commission is conducting elections for PWDs
The performance of Government poverty reduction interventions on the lives of persons with disabilities in Ntungamo, Mpigi, Kaberamaido and Dokolo Districts
This study examined the performance of government poverty reduction interventions on the lives of disabled persons in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to collect information that could be used to ascertain and attribute policy reviews that affect PWDs.
The National Council for Disability Amendment ACT 2013
An Act to amend the National Council for Disability Act, 2003 to spell out the assistance required of the Council under the Act to give to the Electoral Commission under section 6(1)(i) of that Act and to introduce Schedule A to provide for elections of representatives of persons with disabilities and a new Schedule B to provide for disability codings and for other related matters
Report on accessibility of health care services to persons with disabilities in Isingiro, Mubende, Mbale and Gulu districts
This report is the product of a study commissioned by the National Council for Disability (NCD) as one of the documents generating feedback in our effort to monitor the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The subject of concern is enshrined in Article 25 of the Convention, stipulating the right to health care for all.
The state of special needs education, employment of special Needs education teachers and teachers with disabilities in the distircts of Kisoro, Lyantonde, Kamuli and Arua
National Council for disability conducted a study on the state of Special Needs Education and employment of teachers with disabilities in Uganda. This was done following complaints that Council receive from stakeholders on inadequate educational materials for children with special needs, lack of schools designated for special needs education and termination of services of those teachers with disability